Frequently Asked Questions

Who should use this website?

Anyone that wants to have a great time! You can use this site to post cool ideas, chat with others, browse our forums and idea pages, look at other cool projects, and much, much more!

How much does this site cost?

This website is 100% free- all you have to do is register with a valid email address, and we'll send you updates about free offers and wonderful new opportunities! If you'd prefer not to receive emails from us, you can opt out any time!

How do I register?

Creating an account is easy! In the upper-right corner of your screen, just click Sign Up! Your will be asked to provide a valid email address/user-name, and create a strong and secure password. Your password for this site should be unique- one that you don't use anywhere else.

Who are the website administrators for InterLinked?

This website was originally developed by three middle-school students in search of a fun project.